Tree Removal

Deland Tree Removal Specialists

Hollow Tree Removal

Emergency tree removal using pullies, swings and rope downfor safety-first techniques on this mushroom sprouting rotten hollow Turkey Oak growing too close to the home a day in advance of hurricane winds.

Curb Appeal & Tree Health

DTS Arborist completes removal of a large branch overhanging the home using a series of pullies, swings, & rope down methods to alleviate sudden weight shiftsthat would bring the tree crashing down on the roof.

Branch Removal

Branch removal takes place prior to arborists tackling the main hollow trunk. Canopy care could have prevented the extensive rot that set into this massive oak branching over 2 homes, a dangerous condition with possible liability.

Fully Equipped Tree Service

Emergency removal of large trees uses a full suite of tree service equipment: Chainsaws, Bucket Truck, Spider Lift, Bobcat Back Hoe, a large Dump Truck, Pulleys, Swings, and Ropes. DTS is fully equipped for jobs large and small.

Canopy Removal Complete

Tree canopy removal conpleted in an emergency tree service by DTS, leaving the gaping hollow to be skillfully lowered to the ground intact for use as a neighboring gardeners bromilad planter, a feat of substantial skill.

Fine-tuned Tree Team

Massive 12-foot section of trunk is skillfully lowered by DTS Arborist, then manuevered onto the Bobcat for prescision placement on a neighboring property. DTS fine-tuned team complete tree removal.

DTS Tree Removal Specialists

This hollow Turkey Oak was sprouting mushrooms, ready to implode less than 2' from the roof line with hurricane winds a day away. DTS used strategy, technique and experience to save both homes from impending damage.

DTS Tree Service, Volusia County's only Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) Member, has a reputation as the area's foremost TREE REMOVAL, hurricane prep and disaster clean-up specialists for over 30 years.


The Big Tree Removal Experts